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The Backstage Pass

Debunking 10 Myths About Bluewater Fly Fishing

May 03, 23

If you’ve never tried bluewater fly fishing then you are truly missing out on one of the great experiences fly fishing has to offer. There are many reasons why we love bluewater fly fishing but maybe one of the best is that it’s great for everyone in the family. Non-anglers will have a great time hanging out on the deck of the boat and watching the action. And most lodges that offer bluewater options have a host of different non-angling activities. You’ll find some myths about bluewater fly fishing below and hopefully, the insight will only add to your excitement to fly fish the bluewater.


1. You can’t bluewater fly fish. The first and probably the most prominent myth is that you can’t use a fly rod in the blue water. That’s so far from the truth and any of our program directors that have been to Guatemala or Costa Rica can vouch for just how amazing bluewater fly fishing can be! Only conventional. Only destinations geared towards bluewater.

2. You cast only once. Even though this may be the case for some species, others such as dorado, are action-packed with lots of casting and excitement.

3. Conventional first, fly second. Another myth that’s floating around in fly fishing circles is that operators at bluewater lodges prefer conventional fishing setups to fly fishing. That couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, we have an operator that PREFERS anglers to be fly fishers and not conventional.

4. It’s not visual. Chasing fish in the bluewater with a fly rod is astoundingly visual. Whether you’re watching dorado smash a bait ball or watching an enormous marlin tailing across the water on the end of your line, bluewater fly fishing is sure to provide entertainment.

5. It’s really technical. Contrary to what you may or may not have heard, bluewater fly fishing is not all that technical. You don’t need to be a pro to catch a big bluewater species with a fly rod. Your guide will troll around on the boat and when it’s time, instruct you to cast off the back of the boat.

6. You can’t do inshore fly fishing on the same trip as offshore. Many times on a bluewater trip you and your guide can alternate days between offshore and inshore fisheries. Most bluewater locations have great inshore flats, lagoons, creeks, and even at times river systems to fish.

7. Bluewater fly fishing is too expensive. Trip packages to bluewater fly fishing lodges are generally the same price if not cheaper than other lodging options. Bluewater fishing options are available for the budget-minded traveling angler.

8. There is a season. This is probably one of our favorite myths. Bluewater destinations are year-round and temperatures only vary slightly which means that fish will be feeding all year long.

9. You need all your own equipment. Most people don’t have an eleven or twelve-weight rod lying around the house. Don’t worry the guides will have you covered with all the equipment necessary for a great day on the water.

10. Only for men. For whatever reason bluewater fly fishing has been perpetuated as a “men only” sport. This is absolutely ridiculous and should be squashed here and now.

Bluewater fly fishing is one of the great experiences of the sport. There may be some myths surrounding bluewater fly fishing but we hope that we put an end to some of those. If you are thinking about taking a bluewater fly fishing trip don’t hesitate to contact us with questions!

Check out our Sailfish and Marlin fly fishing trip pages for trip recommendations!

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